Corey Benson

Corey Benson Has serviced thousands of at-risk youth for nearly twenty years with abundant success!

Mr. Benson specializes in supporting students who have been expelled from a regular school setting, either in the role of Director, Principal, or teacher; Mr. Benson has managed success for at-risk students in all grades, from kindergarten to high school seniors.

The program Mr. Benson established in Phoenix has successfully rehabilitated hundreds of students from” I can’t accomplish” to “I can accomplish anything!” Mr. Benson has helped Arizona, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Kansas, Maryland, and Louisiana students.

Systems Teaching Educational Empowerment with Relationships INFO
STEER creates appropriate interventions in order to help students overcome challenges using positive tools and methods.
How can we help?
Our team will evaluate every student enrolled in the STEER program to collect data and current academic levels.
  • 4825 E Warner Rd. Suite 11 Phoenix, AZ 85044
  • (602) 698-7557

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